Following a British Transport Police investigation Roberto Rossi, aged 37, of Hollingbourne Avenue, Bexleyheath, and Joanne Branscombe, aged 44, of Samson Close, Dartford, were sentenced at Inner London Crown Court on Tuesday 23 July.
Rossi pleaded guilty to two counts of possession with intent to supply a class B drug (ketamine and cannabis). One count of possession of a class A drug (cocaine) and one count of possession of a class B drug (amphetamine).
He was sentenced to 16 months in jail and ordered to pay a surcharge of £187.
Branscombe pleaded guilty to two counts of possession with intent to supply class B drugs (cannabis and ketamine); possession of a class B drug (amphetamine) and possession of a class A drug (cocaine).
She was sentenced to 22 months, suspended for two years and ordered to pay a surcharge of £187.