A community is reeling from shock and sorrow following a devastating incident outside Harold Wood station on Tuesday, February 27, which claimed the life of 87-year-old Bernard Fowler. Known for his gentle demeanour and daily routine of fetching a newspaper, Fowler’s life was tragically cut short when he fell victim to a brutal attack with a hammer.
Described by a family friend as a “lovely man,” Fowler, affectionately called ‘Bernie,’ was a familiar presence in the neighbourhood, his smile a source of warmth for many. Charmaine Tonks, reflecting on her fond memories of Fowler’s friendship with her late father, lamented the senseless loss, highlighting the heinous nature of the crime.
The discovery of Fowler’s body prompted a swift response from the British Transport Police, who launched a thorough murder investigation. Detective Chief Inspector Sam Painter extended condolences to Fowler’s family, reassuring the public of ongoing support from dedicated officers. Stressing the isolated nature of the incident, Painter urged against speculation, emphasizing the importance of allowing the investigation to proceed unhindered.
Despite the grief weighing heavy on the community, there is a glimmer of hope in the form of a suspect’s arrest. Miles Skai, a 22-year-old resident of Brent Cross in Hendon, has been charged in connection with Fowler’s murder. Scheduled to appear at the Old Bailey on Friday, March 1, Skai’s apprehension represents a crucial step towards seeking justice for Fowler and providing closure to his grieving loved ones.