In the wake of the devastating incident that has left the Southport community reeling, the parents of six-year-old Bebe King have released a poignant tribute to their daughter, who was tragically killed on Monday, July 29. Lauren and Ben King described their world as “shattered” following the loss of their “precious daughter” in what they termed an “unimaginable act of violence.
Bebe was one of three young victims in the tragic event, along with Elsie and Alice, whose deaths have shocked the nation and sparked an outpouring of grief and support from the public. The Kings expressed their deep gratitude for the overwhelming support they have received during this incredibly difficult time.
“Our beautiful Bebe was the light of our lives,” the Kings said in their statement. “She brought so much joy to everyone she met, and her smile could brighten even the darkest of days. We cannot begin to comprehend how we will go on without her.”
The couple also thanked the community for the “incredible outpouring of love and kindness” that they have experienced since the tragedy. “The support from friends, family, and even strangers has been a source of strength for us. We are deeply touched by the many messages, flowers, and tributes left in Bebe’s memory,” they said.
The Kings concluded their tribute with a heartfelt message to their daughter: “Bebe, you will forever be in our hearts. We love you more than words can ever express, and we will carry your memory with us always.”
The Southport community continues to mourn the loss of Bebe, Elsie, and Alice, with vigils and memorials being held in their honour. The tragic event has also led to calls for increased safety measures and support for families affected by violence.
As investigations continue, the community stands united in grief and solidarity, determined to support the families of the victims and ensure that their memories are cherished.