Like most parts of the NHS, West Midlands Ambulance Service is under significant pressure, so it is more important than ever that people make it a very happy, but safe New Year. Last year, the Trust received over 3,000 emergency 999 calls between 6.00pm and 6.00am, the busiest we have ever been. This year, we are expecting a large proportion of calls to be alcohol-related. But it’s not just people who are too drunk to stand up or are being sick; sadly, overindulgence leads to assaults, falls whilst people have false bravado and road traffic collisions too. Unfortunately, it also leads to our staff having to put up with drunks which sadly sometimes results in them being abused verbally or even physically, which is completely unacceptable. A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman said: “The last thing we want to do is to spoil people’s fun; we would just ask people to take responsibility for themselves and their own actions when they are out celebrating to make sure they have a safe and fun night to remember. “We’d like to thank the many staff who have given their night up with family and friends to come and work an additional shift with us. Our staff will inevitably work flat out while the majority of the public celebrates the arrival of 2023.” To help you have a safe and fun New Year, please follow our top tips below:
It’s Traditionally The Biggest Party Night Of The Year, But Are You Ready To Celebrate The Start Of 2023…safely?
- Eat before you go out: food helps slow the absorption of alcohol, stopping it from going to your head too quickly.
- Pace your drinks: don’t drink too much before you go out as the likelihood is you won’t last the night.
- Never leave drinks unattended: sadly, there are people who will take advantage of the situation and potentially spike your drink.
- Stick together: please look after your friends whilst out. Make sure you have plans on how you’ll all get home as well as how you’ll go out.
- Know your limits: sadly, alcohol gives us bravado and results in people injuring themselves from trying to do things you wouldn’t normally, or gets you into a fight.
Remember that 999 is for people who are critically unwell or there is a risk to life. If you need medical help or want reassurance, use NHS 111 online at, contact your GP or visit a pharmacist. You can also do your part to help the NHS by ensuring you have had your COVID-19 booster and flu jab.
It’s Traditionally The Biggest Party Night Of The Year, But Are You Ready To Celebrate The Start Of 2023…safely?
It’s Traditionally The Biggest Party Night Of The Year, But Are You Ready To Celebrate The Start Of 2023…safely?
It’s Traditionally The Biggest Party Night Of The Year, But Are You Ready To Celebrate The Start Of 2023…safely?
It’s Traditionally The Biggest Party Night Of The Year, But Are You Ready To Celebrate The Start Of 2023…safely?
It’s Traditionally The Biggest Party Night Of The Year, But Are You Ready To Celebrate The Start Of 2023…safely?
It’s Traditionally The Biggest Party Night Of The Year, But Are You Ready To Celebrate The Start Of 2023…safely?