A devastating incident unfolded at the junction of Southampton Row and Theobalds Road in Holborn on August 4, 2021, as 41-year-old Dr Marta Krawiec tragically lost her life in a collision with an HGV driver, Kevin Allen. The aftermath of this heart-wrenching event played out in court, concluding on January 12, 2024, with a jury delivering a guilty verdict against the 69-year-old lorry driver.
Dr. Krawiec had been cycling to work when the accident occurred. Kevin Allen, a seasoned HGV driver since 1989, was in the middle of three lanes, waiting for the traffic lights to change at the junction. The prosecutor, Paul Casey, pointed out that Allen intended to turn left, even though the middle lane was designated for vehicles heading straight. He explained that the length of his lorry necessitated the use of this lane for the turn, as manoeuvring from the left lane would have been exceedingly challenging.
During the trial, it was revealed that Allen had not properly indicated his intention to turn left during the 45 seconds he waited at the lights. He only activated his turn signal after he had already commenced the left turn. This lapse in signalling proved to have catastrophic consequences.
As the lights changed and Dr Krawiec, positioned behind and to the left of Allen’s HGV, began travelling straight ahead, Allen initiated his left turn, colliding with the cyclist and knocking her off her bike. Tragically, she became trapped under a wheel, and her desperate cry of “NO” was heard by a taxi driver who was nearby.
The impact of the collision was fatal, and Dr. Krawiec was pronounced dead at the scene. She had been a dedicated paediatrician at an NHS clinic in Clapham, known for her commitment to caring for children.
Prosecutor Mr Casey emphasized that no other contributing factors played a role in the collision. Weather conditions were ideal, both vehicles were in good working order, the HGV’s speed was only 13mph, and Allen was not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. He asserted that the primary cause of Dr. Krawiec’s tragic death was the driver error committed by Mr. Allen.
During police interviews conducted a few weeks after the incident, Allen revealed that he had been delivering steel to a building site off Shaftesbury Avenue. He stated that he had made deliveries to the site on multiple occasions and was familiar with the roads. Allen explained that, due to the length of his vehicle, attempting to turn from the left lane would have required him to partially enter the middle lane. Hence, he opted to use the middle lane for the left turn.
Allen claimed to have checked his mirrors and believed Dr. Krawiec was not in his field of vision, effectively in his blind spot. He also stated that he had activated his left-turn indicator at the lights. However, after reviewing CCTV footage, he conceded that he had not signalled before beginning his turn, despite believing he had done so.
In the aftermath of the trial, Kevin Allen pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving, although the Crown refused to accept this plea. Instead, they argued that his actions constituted dangerous driving rather than mere carelessness.