In a heartbreaking incident that unfolded last night, a nine-year-old boy lost his life in a hit-and-run accident in Bundoran, Co Donegal. The tragedy occurred shortly after 9.20pm on Atlantic Way.
The young victim, identified as Ronan Wilson, hailing from Kildress in Co Tyrone, was pronounced dead at the scene, leaving the community in shock and mourning.
In response to the incident, authorities have implemented traffic diversions in the vicinity, and the accident scene has been cordoned off to facilitate a thorough examination. Gardaí, the Irish police force, have also taken the necessary steps to ensure a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances surrounding this tragedy.
In light of the severity of the situation, Gardaí have contacted the State Pathologist, who will conduct a post-mortem examination at Sligo University Hospital. This examination aims to shed light on the exact cause of Ronan Wilson’s untimely death and gather critical evidence for the ongoing investigation.
Amidst this heart-wrenching event, an urgent appeal for witnesses has been issued. Gardaí are urging anyone who may have witnessed the hit-and-run incident or has any information related to it to come forward promptly. Additionally, they are appealing directly to the driver of the vehicle involved in the incident to come forward and cooperate with the investigation.
Gardaí are also seeking assistance from the community. They are requesting that anyone who possesses video footage, including dashcam recordings, from Atlantic Way and Sea Road at the time of the tragic crash to make this material available to them. This evidence could prove invaluable in piecing together the sequence of events leading up to the accident.
For those willing to provide information or footage, Gardaí have established contact points. They can be reached at Ballyshannon Garda Station by dialling 074-9858530. Alternatively, individuals can choose to share information anonymously through the Garda Confidential Line at 1800 666 111.