Sussex Police was delighted to present the Friends of Shoreham Fort (FoSF) with a historic Remington First World War bayonet, dated 1917 from storage.
Gary Baines, FoSF chairman said: “I was really pleased Sussex Police were able to pass this on to us, it has such historical significance. It would be a great loss if this item was destroyed, as history would be lost forever.”
PCSO Daryl Holter, volunteer Heritage Crime Officer said: “I echo Gary’s words as unfortunately our history is too easily lost. Artefacts like this can link us to our shared heritage. I’m glad that this is now with the Friends of Shoreham Fort where it will be preserved and kept safe.”
PC Vicky Aldridge said: “It was a surprise and very interesting to find the 1917 Remington Bayonet in our storage. I’m immensely pleased to have had some involvement and to know that it will be conserved at Shoreham Fort for the future generations to see and learn about.”