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Home Breaking Over 40,000 members across Network and 14 train operating companies will walk out on 13, 14, 16 and 17 December and on 3, 4, 6 and 7 January.Over 40,000 members across Network and 14 train operating companies will walk out on 13, 14, 16 and 17 December and on 3, 4, 6 and 7 January

Over 40,000 members across Network and 14 train operating companies will walk out on 13, 14, 16 and 17 December and on 3, 4, 6 and 7 January.Over 40,000 members across Network and 14 train operating companies will walk out on 13, 14, 16 and 17 December and on 3, 4, 6 and 7 January

“We have been reasonable,” said Mick Lynch, General Secretary of the RMT, “but it is impossible to find a negotiated settlement when the dead hand of government is presiding over these talks.” Employers are in disarray, saying different things to different people at different times. This entire process has devolved into a farce that can only be resolved by the new Secretary of State. I’ll deliver that message to him when I see him later this week. “In the meantime, we apologise for any inconvenience, but we urge you to direct your rage and frustration at the government and railway employers during this latest phase of action.” “We call on all trade unionists in Britain to take a stand and fight for better pay and conditions in their respective industries.” And, where possible, we will try to coordinate strike action and demonstrations.” * According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the global energy crisis will hit the UK economy harder than other major economies. According to the report, the UK will contract more than any other G7 country next year. The US and the eurozone are expected to grow slowly, but Germany is the only other major economy expected to contract. The OECD predicts a “significant slowdown” in global growth in 2023. According to the OECD’s latest report, the global economy will grow by 2.2% next year due to the strength of emerging economies. However, the OECD reported that the Ukraine conflict was having an uneven impact on economies, with European countries bearing the brunt of the impact on business, trade, and the rise in energy prices. The G7 consists of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan. While most countries in the group are expected to experience slower growth, only Germany and the United Kingdom are expected to contract, according to the OECD.

Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January.Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January

Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January.Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January
Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January.Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January
Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January.Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January
Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January.Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January
Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January.Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January

Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January.Over 40,000 Members Across Network And 14 Train Operating Companies Will Walk Out On 13, 14, 16 And 17 December And On 3, 4, 6 And 7 January

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