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Home Breaking A robber who stole cash and bank cards after threatening housing complex staff with a pair of scissors has been jailed

A robber who stole cash and bank cards after threatening housing complex staff with a pair of scissors has been jailed

Jason Emmingham was a tenant at the supported multi-occupancy property in Bircotes, Bassetlaw, when he carried out the robbery on 31 July 2023. The 40-year-old had just returned from a spell behind bars after staff agreed to keep the room available for him. However, Emmingham was already in rent arrears when staff were informed he had been trying door handles within the complex. When confronted by a member of staff in the accommodation’s office area, Emmingham became aggressive. He picked up a pair of scissors from a desk and pointed one of the blades at the staff member. Emmingham threatened to kill the man and told him he was going to steal all the money in the office. He grabbed bank cards, around £480 in cash and other items from a safe which was used to keep tenants’ belongings safe. Emmingham then fled the scene but was tracked down by police later that day. The scissors and various stolen items were discovered dumped in a garden a short time later. Emmingham, of no fixed abode, was jailed for three years when he appeared at Nottingham Crown Court on Thursday (16 November). He had earlier pleaded guilty to one count of robbery at the same court on 30 August.

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