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Home Breaking Man, 20, Jailed for Raping 15-Year-Old Girl in Sea at Crowded Bournemouth Beach

Man, 20, Jailed for Raping 15-Year-Old Girl in Sea at Crowded Bournemouth Beach

A 20-year-old man, Gabriel Marinoaica, has been sentenced to jail after being found guilty of raping a 15-year-old girl in the sea on a bustling summer’s day at Bournemouth beach. The harrowing incident occurred on Sunday, July 18, 2021, when Marinoaica, then 18, committed the assault in broad daylight, shocking onlookers and undermining the sense of safety at the popular seaside spot.

Marinoaica, hailing from Darlaston, Walsall, West Midlands, was convicted of three charges of sexual assault and one charge of rape after forcibly dragging the teenager out of her depth while she was innocently playing with a beach ball in the shallows. Despite her cries and inability to swim, Marinoaica callously assaulted her, only ceasing his attack when interrupted by a friend.

During the trial, it was revealed that Marinoaica, who initially refused to return the ball to the victim, seized the opportunity to commit the heinous act, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her into deeper waters where she was defenceless. His predatory behaviour and disregard for the victim’s well-being were condemned by Judge Susan Evans KC, who emphasized the brazen nature of the assault and its impact on public confidence in beach safety.

Addressing Marinoaica directly, Judge Evans highlighted the predatory nature of his actions, expressing concern over the victim’s vulnerability and the trauma inflicted upon her. Despite the victim’s pleas and resistance, Marinoaica persisted, silencing her and ignoring her lack of consent.

In addition to the 25-year prison sentence handed down by the court, Marinoaica was also subjected to a sexual harm prevention order for 20 years and mandated to register as a sex offender for life.

The victim, in a poignant victim impact statement, revealed the ongoing emotional turmoil and lasting effects of the assault, expressing her profound fear and loss of trust in the water, once a source of joy.

The case serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and accountability in safeguarding public spaces and ensuring justice for victims of sexual violence.

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