Police have initiated an investigation following a concerning incident that unfolded on Friday evening, January 19, in the Green Lane area of Dagenham. The incident involved officers attempting to stop an electric bike, resulting in a collision with a female pedestrian.
At approximately 5.50pm on Friday, officers on patrol near Green Lane, Dagenham, signalled for an electric bike to come to a stop. However, the rider of the bike chose to flee from police, leading to an unfortunate collision with a female pedestrian almost immediately after attempting to evade the authorities.
The rider of the electric bike, following the collision, abandoned the scene on foot, prompting an ongoing effort by officers to locate and apprehend them.
In response to the incident, the London Ambulance Service was dispatched to the scene promptly. They attended to the injured woman, who is reported to be in her 20s. She was subsequently transported to a hospital for medical treatment. Fortunately, her injuries are not considered life-threatening.
As investigators work diligently to piece together the circumstances surrounding the incident, inquiries are ongoing. The exact reason for the rider’s attempt to evade police and the subsequent collision with the pedestrian remains under investigation.
Additionally, the Metropolitan Police’s Directorate of Professional Standards has been informed of the incident, as is standard practice in cases involving police pursuits and incidents.
Police are urging anyone who may have witnessed the incident or possesses information that could be of assistance to contact them. The Metropolitan Police can be reached at 101 or via Twitter by mentioning ‘@MetCC’ and quoting CAD 5581/19Jan. For those who prefer to provide information anonymously, the independent charity Crimestoppers is available at 0800 555 111.