Seven Hospitalised After Taking Zopiclone: Contaminated Batch Alert

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Home Breaking Seven Hospitalised After Taking Zopiclone: Contaminated Batch Alert

Seven Hospitalised After Taking Zopiclone: Contaminated Batch Alert

Seven individuals have been rushed to North Tees General Hospital after consuming the popular sleeping medication Zopiclone. Authorities suspect a “potentially contaminated batch” of the drug, which has raised concerns about its safety.

Investigation Underway

Cleveland Police received reports on Friday regarding the hospitalisation of adults who had ingested Zopiclone. Tragically, one man has died, and investigators believe he also took the same medication. In response, law enforcement issued a warning to drug users, emphasising the potential risks associated with this particular batch.

How Zopiclone Works

Zopiclone, commonly prescribed for severe insomnia, acts by enhancing the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. This neurotransmitter promotes relaxation and helps users sleep more quickly, preventing nighttime awakenings. Typically administered as a tablet, doctors can also prescribe it in liquid form.

Alcohol Interaction and Dependency

The NHS advises against alcohol consumption while taking Zopiclone due to the risk of excessive sedation. Additionally, prolonged use can lead to dependency. Physicians typically limit prescriptions to two to four weeks to prevent reduced effectiveness over time.

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