In a devastating turn of events, a bus crash in South Africa has resulted in the loss of 45 lives, leaving communities reeling from the immense tragedy.
The bus, carrying a total of 46 passengers including the driver, met with a catastrophic accident that left only one survivor—an eight-year-old child who is currently receiving medical treatment in a hospital.
According to reports, the fatal incident occurred when the bus lost control and collided with barriers on a bridge near Mamatlakala in the northeast province of Limpopo. The impact caused the bus to veer off the bridge and catch fire upon hitting the ground, engulfing it in flames.
The passengers onboard, who were reportedly from Botswana, were tragically unable to escape the inferno, resulting in a high casualty count.
The South African transport ministry has released a statement detailing the grim sequence of events, highlighting the driver’s loss of control as the initial cause of the collision. The ministry expressed deep condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims, acknowledging the profound impact of the tragedy on the affected communities.
Rescue operations, which commenced immediately following the crash, persisted into the late hours of Thursday evening as emergency responders worked tirelessly to recover the victims and attend to the scene.
The incident has sent shockwaves throughout South Africa, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced safety measures and vigilance on the country’s roadways. As authorities continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding the crash, the nation mourns the loss of lives and stands in solidarity with the grieving families and friends of the victims.