Appeal for Witnesses After Disturbing Leysdown Assault - Witnesses Sought After Woman Assaulted in Leysdown-on-Sea

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Home Breaking Witnesses Sought After Woman Assaulted in Leysdown-on-Sea

Witnesses Sought After Woman Assaulted in Leysdown-on-Sea

Police are appealing for witnesses and dashcam footage following a disturbing incident where a woman was allegedly assaulted by a man inside a car in Leysdown-on-Sea. The incident occurred on Sunday, February 4, 2024, at approximately 9:00 PM local time, on Leysdown Road.

The victim, a woman in her 40s, was seated in the front passenger seat of a white Peugeot 308 when the driver of the vehicle reportedly stopped and subjected her to multiple punches. Following the assault, the vehicle continued for a short distance before colliding with a bollard and a fence.

The assailant fled the scene before authorities arrived, leaving the victim with serious facial injuries. She subsequently sought medical attention at a nearby hospital. On Monday, February 5, a 54-year-old local man was arrested in connection with the incident. He has since been released on bail pending further investigation.

PC Lydia Edwards, from Kent Police’s Vulnerability Investigation Team, urged anyone with information regarding the incident to come forward. She highlighted the potential presence of witnesses in the vicinity of Leysdown Road, including individuals outside a nearby public house, who may have observed the assault.

We are appealing to anyone with information that may assist the investigation to contact our appeal line,” stated PC Edwards. She encouraged drivers with dashcam footage and residents with private CCTV systems to review their recordings for any relevant information.

Individuals with information relevant to the case are urged to contact Kent Police at 01795 419119, quoting reference 46/19595/24. Alternatively, information can be provided anonymously to Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555111 or by utilizing the online form on their official website

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