Residents Fear for Their Lives After Early Morning Incidents

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Home Breaking Residents Fear for Their Lives After Early Morning Incidents

Residents Fear for Their Lives After Early Morning Incidents

Sunderland residents are being urged to exercise caution after a concerning incident unfolded yesterday morning. According to reports, two individuals were spotted going door-to-door in Ford Estate, attempting to gain access to properties. The situation escalated when residents reviewed CCTV footage, revealing the masked men wearing balaclavas.

Residents Fear For Their Lives After Early Morning Incidents

Social media users have also reported similar incidents in the Millfield and Pallion areas. Concerns about safety have been raised, with one resident expressing fear for their well-being. Another individual shared that the suspects attempted to gain entry to their mother’s house.

If you have any information related to these incidents, please contact Northumbria Police at 101 or reach out to Crimestoppers at 0800 555 111.

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