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Home Breaking Today Marks the 11th Anniversary of the Death of Lee Rigby, Beloved Dad and British Army Soldier

Today Marks the 11th Anniversary of the Death of Lee Rigby, Beloved Dad and British Army Soldier

Today, the nation remembers Lee Rigby, a dedicated British Army soldier and a loving father, who was tragically murdered by extremists in Woolwich in 2013. Lee, aged 25, served as a drummer with the 2nd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.

Today Marks The 11th Anniversary Of The Death Of Lee Rigby, Beloved Dad And British Army Soldier

Lee was returning to Woolwich barracks after his duties at the Tower of London on May 22, 2013, when he was brutally attacked by Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale. The extremists targeted Lee as he crossed Wellington Street, spotting his Help for Heroes hoodie. They struck him with their car before almost decapitating him and inflicting multiple cut and stab wounds.

Today Marks The 11th Anniversary Of The Death Of Lee Rigby, Beloved Dad And British Army Soldier

Today Marks The 11th Anniversary Of The Death Of Lee Rigby, Beloved Dad And British Army Soldier
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In a horrific display, Adebolajo urged bystanders to film him and call the police, ranting while still covered in Lee’s blood. The attackers waited for armed police to arrive and then charged at the patrol car, hoping to be martyred. They were shot and injured by the police. Subsequently, Adebolajo was sentenced to a whole-life term, while Adebowale received a minimum of 45 years in prison.

Today Marks The 11th Anniversary Of The Death Of Lee Rigby, Beloved Dad And British Army Soldier

A Nation Remembers:

Today Marks The 11th Anniversary Of The Death Of Lee Rigby, Beloved Dad And British Army Soldier

Yesterday, on the eve of the anniversary, Lee Rigby’s mother, Lyn Rigby, attended a garden party at Buckingham Palace. King Charles III and Queen Camilla offered their support to the Rigby family during this difficult time. Lyn, along with her husband Ian, were among a group of honoured guests at the event.

Today Marks The 11th Anniversary Of The Death Of Lee Rigby, Beloved Dad And British Army Soldier

Lee’s son, Jack, was just two-and-a-half years old when his father was killed. Last year, in honour of the 10th anniversary of his father’s death, Jack embarked on a mission to raise £10,000 for Scotty’s Little Soldiers, a charity that supports young people who have lost a parent in the armed forces. Exceeding his target, Jack raised over £50,000 and was awarded the Pride of Britain’s Young Fundraiser of the Year.

Today Marks The 11th Anniversary Of The Death Of Lee Rigby, Beloved Dad And British Army Soldier

Jack’s mother, Rebecca, shared with the Mirror: “People think because Jack was only two when his dad was killed, that it doesn’t affect him very much, but that’s not how it works. Just because Jack was young, it doesn’t mean he’s forgotten Lee. Lee has always been such an important part of our lives and always will be. I’m so proud of Jack in everything that he does, and I think that Lee would be as well.”

Today Marks The 11th Anniversary Of The Death Of Lee Rigby, Beloved Dad And British Army Soldier

Today, as we mark the 11th anniversary of Lee Rigby’s death, the nation stands in solidarity with his family, honouring his memory and the ultimate sacrifice he made for his country. Lee Rigby’s legacy continues to inspire, reminding us all of the profound impact one life can have.

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