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Home HAMPSHIRE A man has been jailed for 18 years for the non-recent rape of a child on the Isle of Wight

A man has been jailed for 18 years for the non-recent rape of a child on the Isle of Wight



David Michael Wells, aged 47, from Chale Green, was charged with six counts of rape following a lengthy police investigation.

The investigation began in January 2020 after the victim reported she had been abused by Wells between 2017 and 2018 when she was under the age of 16.

Wells denied the offences and the case went to trial on 25 April this year at Newport Crown Court.

On 28 April, after approximately four and a half hours of deliberation, the jury convicted him of the charges.

He appeared at the same court today (Friday 20 May) where he was jailed for 18 years, with four additional years on extended license. A lifetime Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) and restraining order was also granted.

DC Daniel Hayward, of the Child Abuse Investigation Team, said: “Wells is a danger to children who is now behind bars where he belongs.

“The child in this case should be commended for her bravery in standing up to her abuser and finding the courage to talk to police.

“It is because of this that Wells is now in a place where he cannot harm another child. I hope this case, and the bravery of the girl involved, encourage others who have been harmed by this kind of awful abuse to speak out and seek support.”

We want to encourage anyone who has been affected by sexual abuse to contact police on 101, where you can speak to an officer in confidence.

We recognise that not everyone has the confidence to talk to police about what they have experienced. Please be reassured that there are other services available that can offer you specialist support to help you deal with the impact of abuse.

For information and contact details relating to sexual abuse support services, you can visit our dedicated web page:

You can also find out more about how to report, and seek support for child abuse here:

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